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Dark Data: Privacy

Despite changing public opinion on privacy, the first American Census was posted publicly, for logistics reasons, more than anything else. Transparency was the best way to ensure every citizen could inspect it for accuracy. - Greg Ferenstein


Woah. I never truly considered how young the concept of privacy is. All of the research and historical background presented in this article makes sense. Reading that humans and animals used to sleep under the same roof was pretty mind blowing, but it make sense that prior to fireplaces it was normal to house everyone in one large room. What’s important to remember while reading this article, is how humans are constantly evolving. Our way of thinking, moving, and seeing all change decade after decade. Which makes this progression to a privacy driven nation understandable. As humans we might not have been initially programmed for privacy but as we’ve developed and changed privacy seems necessary in a world like today. As our way of thinking evolves, negative qualities are also enhanced. Egoism, manipulation, greed, power hungry, hate, are all qualities that I believe only grew stronger and more obvious as we’ve evolved. Ultimately leading to a world where privacy is necessary. The most prominent example from the reading for me is the transformation from communal radio listening to headphones. This jump might seem minuscule for some, but creating a private moment within a public space changes the whole dynamic in which we humans interact with each other.


Disinformation and transparency definitely do not go hand in hand. These manipulation tactics through ads and marketing campaigns has existed since before technology. But, this AI and algorithmic element has caused propaganda to be a calculated attack on individuals. I disagree that Russia’s meddling in US elections was the true reveal of the modern internet marketplace, people knew of this prior to the election. Well I guess I can only speak for myself, so I knew that targeted ads were being sent to my various accounts daily. By the time of the election I was simply numb to it. Yes, taking this concept of targeted ads and using it to influence a nation's election process is mind blowing and I never thought it would get to that level but alas here we are. Today is the ‘March for Our Lives’ and the purpose of this march is a call for stricter gun laws in America. But after reading this I wonder how many social media posts will be about this march. It’s easy to think that you’re spreading awareness about a worthy cause through social media but the NRA (National Rifle Association) probably has an algorithm and data analytic team waiting for these posts so they can then deduce who’s a friend and who’s a foe. Social media is a double edged sword.


Mail, post offices. One of my daily chores as a kid was to get the mail. I remember my mother always telling me sternly that if the mail isn’t addressed to us than put it back in the mailbox. As a kid I didn’t know the gravity of such an offense, but based on my mom’s tone in her voice I knew never to open someone else’s mail. Till this day, I still think it’s crazy how it’s a federal offense (big scary phrase) to open a physical letter, while everyday our emails, phone calls, and geolocation can be documented, collected, sold, and used. Yup, we live in a flawed system. I like how Jill Lepore points out this relationship between publicity and secrecy. They are enemies of each other and the most basic examples of that can be seen on the cover of magazines and tabloids. Celebrities are huge targets for publicity. Is there a difference between secrecy and privacy? … It’s interesting how when discussing privacy we are directed back to the church. This article mentions the church and the influence it has had on this idea of secrecy, there’s still a hidden element to the creation of the universe and man. In the article “Birth and Death of Privacy” Ferenstein talks about how the church promoted this idea of private space through the creation of confession. Are there supposed to be secrets within religion or do they simply mask it by calling on their followers to have blind faith?


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