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MJSII: Games PT1.

Concept Question:

How might we create a mechanism in which players explore the boundaries of their mortality, using those boundaries as a determinant of failure or success in the game?

Concept Development:

From the reading: Play may be an exploration of limitations and flexibility within a system. Play also may involve mimicry.

We are hoping to create a kinetic game that re-imagines existing games. We are interested in how many children’s games involve “immorality” and implied danger.

Our game will assign players individual characteristics, such as the ability to lie but not cheat, or a mandate to share.

Game play:

Apply the identity and spatial rules to existing games, such as Capture the Flag or Hide and Go Seek

At the end of the game, the traditional objective is worth a certain number of points. Additional points are gained at the end, when participants guess each other’s identities.


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