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Knowledge and Experience is Sexy

‘Innocence is not sexy. Knowledge and experience is sexy’

This is a phrase that needs to be said more frequently. The video ‘Born Sexy Yesterday’ made me realize the repetitiveness of Sci-fi films. Surprise, frustration and a sense of uneasiness are just a few emotions I experienced while watching this video. Surprise: Finally realizing this routine character development through Sci-fi films. It’s SO OBVIOUS! The female character relying on the male character to teach them worldly things and then having that male character become an idol in the eyes of the female character. Frustration: These female characters are highly sexualized but given the innocence of a child. The fact that these producers make a female character reliant on a male character depletes the idea of independent, strong willed females. Uneasiness: These highly sexualized characters are given childlike innocence and curiosity. There’s a sense of pedophelia that forms when watching a male character start to fall in the love with this childlike character, or take advantage of this innocence. I almost feel as though since the female character is highly sexualized the producers think it’s ok to form this romance. How is technology taking advantage of the innocence of humans? The relationship between the main male and female characters in these Sci-fi movies are almost parallel to the relationship between humans and technology. Many individuals lack basic knowledge in certain tech products like Apple Products. Apple products are notorious for having such a clean, simple, and appealing look that just draws people in. Apple knows how to get people to like their products, by telling us that it’s the most convenient way to live if we have the newest Iphone or Mac laptop.

Cool Dip is a 2nd year MFA student and he has an old AT&T flip phone. He is perfectly content with this phone. Hearing him talk about how much more he interacts with people face to face, was awesome because even when talking about it to him he was fully engaged with our conversation with zero distractions. He made me question why we need to have a phone, camera, mp3 player, and internet all on our phone. If you look around on the D12 floor you will see most people on their Iphones and computers. What blows my mind is, most of these students are really into interaction design, yet how often do they interact with each other?

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